
But Now I Know Your Name

A blog about narcissism, neuroscience, and the
transformative power of knowledge

We Were Not Born to Languish

we were not born to languishunseen unbidden and unknownwe were not born to bear the bruntof someone else’s unhealed painwe were not born to do our timein disruptive workplaces, families, partnershipsor with anyone not dedicated tothe blossoming of our souls we were not born to languishwe were born to thrivewe were born for planting in…

Some Thoughts About Imposter Sydrome

I wanted to share a blog I wrote about Imposter Syndrome from my other site, Your Coaching Brain yourcoachingbrain.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/some-thoughts-about-imposter-syndrome/

When the Narcissist Ignores Your Boundaries

Anyone who has ever dealt with a narcissist in any context (family, work, intimate relationship) knows that boundaries are essential. But what about when your boundaries are simply ignored? I live out in the country on a few acres. I have lovely neighbors and it’s my sanctuary. Recently I was out for a walk along…

Three ways to Deal with the Narcissist on the Energetic Level

Sometimes the narcissist seems to have everything under their control on the human level, leaving us feeling stuck, paralyzed and at a complete loss as to what to do. They block every move we make, refusing to cooperate or act like any sort of reasonable human being. Is there any way forward when they do…

Three Lesser-Known Ways You Can Be Love Bombed

One of the things we all tend to hear about right away as we explore narcissism and narcissistic abuse is the classic pattern commonly known as “love bombing.” One person I know was flown to another city for dinner on the first date. Another was showered with flowers and expensive jewelry during the first six…

When the Narcissist Expects You to be Their Emotional Support Animal

Once again, my ex was furious and directing it at me. Something had gone wrong with the house and he was angry and annoyed. I asked what I could do to help, knowing he was relying on me to somehow make it better. “Don’t ask me that, you don’t mean it,” he growled with barely…