Going Back to Who I Was

When I left the narcissist, I needed to process a lot of what happened and who I had become. Writing poetry helped me find myself again and again.

this year I’m going back
to my roots
to core and essence
to the being I was
before I learned
to be different

this is not really an intention
it’s probably more
of a

because before I learned
to sit on my hands
and say “oh that’s ok”
I wanted
what I
and rejected
what I didn’t

before I realized
my survival depended upon
being a kind
and patient
I talked
and yelled
and protested

and before I learned
to deny
how I really felt
and what I really knew
I sped fleet-footed away
from demons
and bugaboos

so that’s it
just that
I’m dusting off some deeper truth
and giving it
full freedom
to roam

this should

~Ann Betz


In the process of healing and need some support? Contact Ann for one-to-one coaching.


Want to learn how to work with relational trauma as a coach? Join our next Certification Program for Neuroscience, Coaching and Relational Trauma starting January 2023.


Ann Betz is the co-founder of BEabove Leadership and an expert on the intersection of neuroscience, coaching, trauma and human transformation. She speaks, trains and coaches internationally, and writes about neuroscience and coaching as well as relational trauma. Ann is also a published poet who loves cats, rain in the desert, and healthy relationships. She is happily finding her inner 6-year-old these days.

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Researcher into the neuroscience of coaching, leadership, effectiveness, trauma, and narcissistic abuse. International coach and facilitator, poet, and cat mom. Founding partner, BEabove Leadership, since 2004.

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