If I Could Give You One Thing

if I could give you one thing
and one thing only
it would be for you to believe
as strongly as I do
that you are worthy of
nothing but kindness
nothing but understanding
nothing but a life that is free
and easy
and full of the lightness
of love

I would wish that whatever
voices tell you
to put up with
that which is contrary to this
become so quiet
you can no longer hear them
even in the darkest hours
of the night

I would wish that the part of you
who knows your value
and your worth
eats its Wheaties
and grows so strong
and loud
it can no longer
be denied
or told to behave

if I could give you one thing
and one thing only
it would be for you to believe
as strongly as I do
that you are worthy of
nothing but kindness
nothing indeed
but love

~Ann Betz

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Researcher into the neuroscience of coaching, leadership, effectiveness, trauma, and narcissistic abuse. International coach and facilitator, poet, and cat mom. Founding partner, BEabove Leadership, since 2004.

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