The Devil Doesn’t Advertise

Reflections on the dangerous covert narcissist.

the devil, they say
doesn’t advertise
you won’t see
a red cape
or cloven hooves

these days the devil
comes dressed
as the thing you
deeply long for

they come with flowers
and attention

they‘ve practiced the fine art
of disguise
to walk in this world

the devil in fact
will protest
they are
the best angel
you have ever met

they will tell you that
your meeting
(divinely ordered)
is fate

you will want
with every fiber of your being
to believe them

and sometimes
some of us
to our great misfortune

~Ann Betz, June 2021


In the process of healing and need some support? Our relational trauma group coaching program starts fall 2022. Or contact Ann for one-to-one coaching.


Want to learn how to work with relational trauma as a coach? Join our next Certification Program for Neuroscience, Coaching and Relational Trauma starting January 2023.


Ann Betz is the co-founder of BEabove Leadership and an expert on the intersection of neuroscience, coaching, trauma and human transformation. She speaks, trains and coaches internationally, and writes about neuroscience and coaching as well as relational trauma. Ann is also a published poet who loves cats, rain in the desert, and healthy relationships. She finds poetry incredibly helpful in processing difficult experiences.

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Researcher into the neuroscience of coaching, leadership, effectiveness, trauma, and narcissistic abuse. International coach and facilitator, poet, and cat mom. Founding partner, BEabove Leadership, since 2004.

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